Areas of Gas Operations include:
- Pennsylvania
- West Virginia
- Ohio
- Virginia
Are pipelines located near you?
The following information is provided as a public service because a gas pipeline may be located near your property or you may be involved in excavation activities, requiring working close to gas pipelines in your area. These pipelines are part of the network of over 2.6 million miles of gathering, transmission, and distribution pipelines in the United States and are the safest and most reliable way to transport natural gas. However, as with any type of transportation, caution should be exercised. Possible hazards associated with an unintended release from a natural gas pipeline include gas migrating near a building or toward an ignition source, leading to potential fires or explosions. To avoid incidents, CNX employs many preventive measures when designing, constructing, and operating natural gas pipeline facilities including:
- Designing pipeline facilities in compliance with federal, state and local regulations
- Designing and constructing pipeline facilities to industry accepted national standards and best practices
- Inspection, examination and testing of pipelines prior to placing into service to verify compliance
- Maintaining right-of-ways for surveillance, patrols, leak surveys and monitoring corrosion protection systems
- For additional information on CNX or CNX Midstream pipelines, call Pipeline Compliance at 724-485-4342.
Integrity Management
For its transmission lines CNX has implemented an integrity management program in accordance with federal regulations. Based on risk modeling, these areas are prioritized for additional integrity assessment activities including corrosion surveys, internal line inspections and pressure testing.
National Pipeline Mapping System (NPMS)
To obtain a list of pipeline operators and to view maps of transmission pipelines in your county, see the National Pipeline Mapping System website at www.npms.phmsa.dot.gov
Is there a Gas Pipeline Right-of-Way on my property?
A right-of-way is a strip of land under legal agreement allowing a company to build, operate, maintain and repair pipelines on the property. A right-of-way is recognizable as a corridor that is clear of trees, buildings or other structures except for any above ground piping, equipment, casing vents, and pipeline markers. These markers and labels indicate the approximate pipeline location, owner of the pipeline, the product transported and emergency contact information. Encroachments upon a right-of-way inhibit the company’s ability to reduce the chance of third party damage, provide pipeline surveillance and perform routine maintenance and required inspections for gas leaks, encroachments, corrosion or other potential hazards.
What precautions should you take to help keep pipelines safe?
To help minimize hazards and maintain the safety and integrity of gas pipelines:
- Keep right-of-ways free of structures and obstructions
- Understand the One-Call requirements and damage prevention laws in your state
- Call 811 at least 3 business days before digging or earth moving
What conditions are considered gas pipeline emergencies and must be immediately reported?
- Explosions or fires near or involving a pipeline facility
- Gas detected inside or near a building
- Natural disasters involving a pipeline facility: tornadoes, land subsidence, flooding, washed-out or exposed pipelines, etc.
- Unauthorized construction, vandalism or suspicious activity around the pipeline
- After moving to a safe location, call 911 first and then call the pipeline company emergency number
What about digging on my property?
Never dig or allow anyone else to dig without first calling the State One Call notification system: 811. The indicators of a pipeline on your property, including line markers, casing vents and test stations, are placed in the general vicinity of the pipeline and don’t tell you the exact location or depth of the pipeline. Even if you don’t see indications of a pipeline, do not assume there is not one. Always call the appropriate State One Call System before you dig.
How can I recognize a gas leak?
By Smell …
- The pungent odor of natural gas, any petroleum smell or a smell of rotten eggs
By Sight …
- Dead or discolored vegetation near a pipeline in an area of green vegetation
- Abnormal movement of vegetation
- Dirt or water blowing into the air
- Bubbles in the water near a pipeline
- Fire at or just above ground level
By Sound …
- Hissing, blowing, whistling, roaring or bubbling sounds
What should I do if I suspect a gas leak?
Leave the area immediately without using electrical devices such as lights, switches, phones, garage door openers, vehicles, doorbells, flashlights, electrical outlets and appliances
- Once you are in a safe location, call “911” to report the gas emergency
- Once you are in a safe location, also call CNX at: 1-800-583-3755 or CNX Midstream Partners at: 1-844-700-2663 or in Virginia call: 1-800-498-8225
- Do not try to extinguish any natural gas fires
- Do not operate any pipeline valves
Remember, safety is our top core value and that extends to the communities in which we operation. Please be safe and call before you dig. Dial 811 — it’s a free service that saves lives.
CNX 24-Hour Emergency or Customer Service Center: 800-583-3755.
DOT Compliance Contact
Stanley Schurdak
DOT Compliance Engineer
Phone: 724-485-4342