CNX has acquired a significant amount of surface land in support of our operations and may have an interest in leasing, selling or granting surface rights to other 3rd Parties for their operational use. Each request received will be vetted through CNX’s various Business Groups to determine if granting the request is in CNX’s best interest.If you are a company or contractor interested in accessing CNX surface properties for uses such as a pipeline right-of-way, surface agreement, access road, temporary workspace, survey access, or a party interested purchasing CNX property, please contact us.

Please Note: Providing the following information will be beneficial in processing your request accurately:

  • State
  • County
  • Township/District
  • Tax Parcel ID

Lease Inquiries
For available rental homes and leases, please email us at Please include the following information:

  • Your name
  • Phone number
  • Rental Home address
  • Parcel Tax ID (if inquiring about a lease)
  • State
  • County
  • Township/District

We will get back to you in response to your email or call as soon as possible.

Surface Lease Inquiries
Click this link to see surface properties that are currently available for lease.

Email us at with a description of your request.
Please Note: Providing the following information will be beneficial in processing your request accurately:

  • State
  • County
  • Township/District
  • Tax Parcel ID