The Mentorship Academy is an initiative of CNX Foundation and part of CNX’s commitment to investing in its local community. Designed for high school students who do not plan to immediately attend a four-year college, the Academy is focused on providing urban and rural youth from historically marginalized Appalachian communities with greater opportunities—helping provide these young adults a bridge to family-sustaining careers. Following the mentorship program, students will have developed new relationships with peers and business leaders across western Pennsylvania, a new excitement for the region’s career opportunities, and an understanding of how to pursue those careers.

Nick Deluliis, CEO of CNX Resources Corporation, founded the Mentorship Academy in 2021 to help disadvantaged young people realize their full potential and discover opportunities for upward mobility to which they never knew they had access. Read more about Nick’s story and how the Mentorship Academy has affected students in the Washington Examiner article: An Energy Company Shows Students The Path To Prosperity.


How much does it cost to participate in the Mentorship Academy?
There are no fees for students to participate in the Academy.
What topics will the Academy cover?
The Academy addresses topics such as leadership, teamwork, resume building, career awareness, career readiness, interviewing skills, business etiquette, personal branding, and social media use and development.
Who do we serve?
The Academy serves both rural and urban 11th and 12th grade students from economically distressed school districts across SWPA.
Is this for you?
The Academy is for high school seniors looking for an actionable path to a life well lived and family-sustaining career opportunities in the bedrock industries of energy, manufacturing, and small business.
Who should apply?
Academically driven students with good work ethic who exhibit a dedication to their futures but seek additional educational and vocational guidance are encouraged to apply.

Follow the Mentorship Academy on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn to experience the students’ journey throughout the program.

Academy Partners

The Mentorship Academy partners with companies and institutions across the region to showcase and inform the students of various career options available. We are proud to work alongside the following:

Additional partners will be added as the Academy progresses. Organizations interested in hosting an Academy visit are encouraged to contact

The CNX Mentorship Academy focuses on local high school students from rural and urban underserved communities who desire a family-sustaining, well-compensated career in the region that does not require a four-year degree. Given the abundance of low-cost energy, manufacturing prowess, and deeply ingrained work ethic in Appalachia, these careers—and opportunities to build and sustain the middle class—are plentiful in our region. CNX’s Mentorship Academy introduces students from our local communities to career opportunities, helps them build the basic skills necessary for gainful employment, and opens doors to further their career goals. The Mentorship Academy addresses the region’s workforce challenges by connecting the region’s premier employers, organized labor and building trades, and community-focused nonprofits with local, emerging talent seeking family-sustaining jobs. Academy students— high school juniors and seniors from rural, urban, and underprivileged communities—learn from local leaders and industry experts about the numerous career options available to them through hands-on activities, tours, and personal and professional coaching from the Academy’s mentors. Mentors work closely with students to identify which career tracks to explore through hands-on site visits with Academy partner companies. A key part of our Appalachia First vision, the program meets students where they are, and helps facilitate growth through exposure, experience, and mentorship.

Differentiated Approach to ESG

The Mentorship Academy embodies our Tangible, Impactful, Local ESG strategy and sets our region’s youth on pathways to success that benefit both the community and CNX.


In its third year, student participation in the Mentorship Academy increased 35% with 85 students representing 21 high schools across five counties.


Mentor engagement grew 60% in 2023, with many mentors participating from other companies in the community.

Academy Growth


We are focused on making a real and measurable difference in the communities we serve.

Mentorship Academy

The success of the Mentorship Academy is more than the program content. It is the collaborative effort of partners and community relationships within the Appalachian region. 2023 yielded:

  • Expanded opportunities through new initiatives, such as UPMC M.O.V.E.S. paid summer internships
  • Created new partnerships, such as the Pit2Work via Builder’s Guild
  • Established 7 school hubs


We seek to identify true needs within our community so our support will have an immediate and long-lasting impact in helping specific programs within the region meet their goals.


Each of these organizations contributes positively to our region through their work. Their partnership extends their impact through opportunities created in relationship with the Academy.


Our efforts are rooted in supporting communities in our operational footprint so we can foster more opportunities for growth, close to home.


These organizations engage with students and families, providing direct support to the region. Their relationship with the Academy increases access to local resources.

Mentorship Academy Success

2021-2022: 93% of students completed the inaugural program, with 100% of juniors returning for a second year.

2022-2023: 81% of students completed the program with 89% of juniors returning for the 2023-2024 year.

Paid Summer Internships in 2023 included:

  • 4 graduates at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center through M.O.V.E.S. which includes paid internships exclusively for Mentorship Academy students interested in the healthcare industry
  • 3 graduates at Pit2Work, a pre-apprenticeship program for an introduction to the trades, where students can earn certificates and engage with local trade unions
  • 14 graduates at Energy Innovation Center (EIC) where students are trained on essential pre-employment skills and earn their OSHA 10 Certification

We can use traditional metrics to measure achievement, but it is in viewing through the lens of the collective success of the students, their families, the community, and CNX, that we see the true valuation of the program. The following are just two of the many Academy success stories and partnerships grown within the community, generated from our Tangible, Impactful, Local philosophy.

The 2023 graduating class most recently reported their placement as:

*Assisting students to find their next opportunity.


  • Deep Well Services has invested in the Academy since its inception. In July 2023, Keith officially joined Deep Well as a green hat. Keith’s strong work ethic has placed him on the fast track, having earned two promotions in less than a year.

Mentorship Academy

  • Keith joined the Academy as a senior following a recommendation from the River Valley High School staff. While uncertain as to the specific path of his future, he knew he wanted to work with his hands. He was immediately interested in the energy track, eventually securing employment with Deep Well Services.


  • River Valley High School was introduced to the Academy via CNX employee and Academy Mentor, Perry Lupinetti (left). River Valley connected Keith to the program and has since become a partner to the Academy, serving as a hub to support district Academy students. Following the individual growth and success of students like Keith, River Valley High School principal, Michael Leasure (right), has connected other school districts with the Academy, leading to these districts joining us as partnering hubs.


  • Along with these partners, CNX saw Avontae’s leadership skills and ambition. In November 2023, Avontae was extended an opportunity to work in CNX’s Operations Technology (OT) department. Despite an original interest to work in field operations, he stepped out of his comfort zone and is now expanding his skill set for career advancement with the OT group.

Mentorship Academy

  • Avontae joined as a senior with the 2022-2023 class. His interests were in manufacturing and energy. As the year progressed, Avontae displayed leadership skills, catching the eyes of EATON, CNX, and a local drilling company.


  • Steel Valley High School (SV) was first introduced to the Academy by Deep Well Vice President, John Sabo (left); also a district alumnus. Since the introduction, SV has taken the lead in connecting students, like Avontae, to the program. They serve as an Academy hub, working in partnership to support district Academy students.

 Alumni Profile: John Sabo

CNX On-the-Job Training (OJT)

Twelve graduates of the Mentorship Academy have been employed by CNX. These young adults work in various roles in both operations and support positions. Through the OJT, these young CNX employees have formal mentors from their strategically selected departments and dedicated HR representation to ensure their growth and the department’s success. Graduates employed by CNX include:

  • Christian
    Facilities Maintenance Technician

    As an intern, Christian focused on various tasks to maintain the daily function of CNX headquarters, and was extended full-time employment after demonstrating his impressive work ethic.

  • Bikram
    Development Program Associate

    Bikram was paired with a CNX mentor who shared his passion for flying. Their connection opened an opportunity with the IS&T department, where Bikram addresses the first line of technical concerns.

  • A’Layzia
    Administrative Intern

    A’Layzia learned essential corporate skills as an administrative intern, and is now a full-time employee at CNX as an administrative assistant.

  • Zion
    External Relations Coordinator

    As the first Academy hire (July 2022) Zion quickly became the face of the Academy, leading several projects and documenting Academy efforts through the Path Forward vlog and various community events.

  • Deanna
    Foundation and Mentorship Academy Coordinator

    Deanna’s engagement throughout the Academy year set her apart from her peers and made her a lead candidate for a role with the Foundation. Joining two-months from graduation, Deanna has embraced the role coordinating events and leading essential projects.

  • Trenton, Lease Operator

    Trenton began working at CNX just two months after high school graduation. He continues to grow within his role at CNX, and has already been promoted.

  • Bryan
    Technical Support Specialist

    Bryan initially joined CNX as an intern set to rotate through opportunities. However, his first rotation made a lasting impression, leading to a full-time offer within the IS&T department. Bryan quickly excelled and worked to strengthen his skill set. In 2023, CNX celebrated Bryan as he received his CompTIA IT Fundamentals Certification.

  • Reiss
    I&E Technician I

    Reiss was one of the first CNX hires from the inaugural Mentorship Academy class. He joined the Measurement team just two months after graduating from Chartiers Houston High School.