CNX is a proactive and committed advocate for our industry. We encourage employees to express their interests and share their unique perspectives. The Positive Energy Hub platform showcases employees, provides context on relevant topics and technical matters, amplifies company news, and offers insight on daily life at CNX.
CNX strives to address the needs of communities where we operate, and to ensure that our stakeholders—including policymakers, regulators, media, communities, and the public—recognize the positive impact that domestic natural gas production and low emissions resources have on families, businesses, and underserved communities across the region, nation, and the world. Our advocacy efforts include direct community engagement, participation in the political process, active work with trade associations, and direct engagement from management in relevant matters.
CNX’s political contributions and lobbying efforts prioritize transparency and aim to unlock economic and environmental value for our company’s owners and stakeholders throughout Appalachia. We remain steadfast in our distinctive approach to community and government relations, openly disclosing our efforts above and beyond what is prescribed by law. Notably, CNX does not collaborate with national trade associations for the purpose of influencing public policy, nor do we engage with trade associations outside the Appalachian region.
From a governance perspective, pursuant to its charter CNX’s Environmental, Social, Corporate Responsibility (ESCR) Committee has oversight over “any significant environmental, corporate responsibility, public policy, and social issues that may materially affect the business operations, financial performance, or public image of the Company or industry, and management’s response to such matters.”
The following report highlights our strong commitment to the Appalachia First strategic vision and related public policy advocacy efforts.
Appalachian Natural Gas Operators — a group of upstream Appalachian-based natural gas producers advocating for responsible natural gas development across the tri-state region. | YES | Energy infrastructure, proposed taxes, and fees related to energy production, permitting. | NO |
Gas and Oil Association of WV Inc. (GO-WV) — a non-profit corporation working to promote and protect all aspects of the oil and natural gas industry in West Virginia. | NO | — | NO |
Pennsylvania Independent Oil & Gas Association (PIOGA) — advocates for the responsible growth of Pennsylvania’s oil and natural gas industry by promoting an environment favorable to the success of the exploration and production, the transportation, and the downstream end users of these energy resources | NO | — | NO |
Marcellus Shale Coalition (MSC) — works with exploration and production, midstream, and supply chain partners in the Appalachian Basin and across the country to address issues regarding the production of clean, job-creating, American natural gas from the Marcellus and Utica Shale plays. | Not registered since 2016—No recent climate matters | — | NO |
Ohio Oil & Gas Association (OOGA) — mission is to protect, promote, foster, and advance the common interest of those engaged in all aspects of the Ohio crude oil and natural gas producing industry. | Not registered since 2015—No recent climate matters | — | NO |
Pennsylvania Chamber of Business & Industry — mission is to advocate for job creation and lead Pennsylvania to greater prosperity for its residents. | NO | — | NO |
Pittsburgh Works Together — committed to creating an inclusive vision of economic progress that embraces and respects both traditional legacy industries and emerging ones, while honoring the diversity of cultures and traditions inherent to each, while ensuring a sustainable environment. | NO | — | NO |
Virginia Oil and Gas Association (VOGA) — a non-profit trade association representing the interests of companies, partnerships, individuals, or other entities having an interest in the oil and gas industry and who are primarily engaged in the exploration, production, development, transportation, and distribution J106 of natural gas and oil in Virginia. | NO | — | NO |
Two (2) CNX Employees | YES | — | NO |
2023 Two (2) Registered Contract Lobbying Firms | YES | — | NO |
The CNX Resources Corporation Political Action Committee (CNX PAC) serves as the political voice of our eligible employees and acts in full compliance with federal and state campaign finance and applicable laws. The CNX PAC promotes the interests of CNX Resources Corporation, its employees and their families, the region, and the domestic energy industry. In 2023, CNX PAC had operating expenses and made distributions totaling $50,000 to support candidates and candidate committees.
CNX intends to increase our PAC investments in the coming years. Specifically, the CNX PAC will continue to expand support for candidates who proudly champion and advocate for our industry and our region, regardless of party affiliation.
CNX PAC is a critical tool in our mission to ensure that public policy issues around energy and the environment are openly debated based on sound math, science, and transparent data. CNX PAC reports can be found on the Federal Election Commission (FEC) website.
In 2023, CNX made corporate political contributions totaling $271,500 in states where we have operational or end-user interests. Of this, CNX invested $76,5001 directly supporting candidates or PACs in states where corporate political contributions are permissible, namely Virginia. Public disclosures in the Commonwealth of Virginia are made to the Virginia Public Access Project (VPAP). To view CNX’s political contributions in Virginia, visit VPAP’s website.
The balance was allocated toward other activities and initiatives that are permissible and consistent with the philosophy governing our public advocacy and community investment strategy. In 2023, CNX Resources contributed to the following national political organizations not reporting to the Federal Election Commission: Democratic Governors Association (DGA), Republican Attorneys General Association (RAGA), and the Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC).
Additionally, CNX is a proud member or supporter of: amounts are reported by the recipient, while CNX is reporting the payments issued to recipients during calendar year 2023