CNX’s Code of Employee Business Conduct and Ethics and our Supplier Code of Conduct set clear expectations for our employees and our business partners. The codes outline how we do business and engage with each other and the community. They also affirm our commitment to our values of Responsibility, Ownership, and Excellence through our integrity, ethical business practices, sustainable operations, and regulatory compliance. Integrity and ethical conduct are fundamental to our core values and vital to our mission. We owe it to each other, our business partners, communities, and shareholders to act with integrity and transparency. Our comprehensive ethics and compliance program helps guide and assist CNX employees in acting with integrity in everything we do.

CNX employees make a formal, annual commitment to follow our Code, and acknowledge their understanding of and compliance with key policies. The Code summarizes CNX’s requirements and expectations for employee behavior and communicates important values that should govern all activities undertaken on behalf of CNX.

Employees are encouraged to speak up if they see something concerning or suspect unethical or illegal conduct. Retaliation against anyone that raises concerns in good faith is strictly prohibited. Our whistleblower fraud and ethics hotline is managed by an independent third party (Red Flag Reporting) and allows for anonymous reporting of potential violations. All reports are reviewed by the Director Internal Audit, Chief Risk Officer, General Counsel, or other such persons as determined to be appropriate under the circumstances, with the oversight of the Audit Committee. Internal Audit regularly provides a report on hotline activities and compliance investigations to the Board. 1-877-647-3335

Protecting Organizations and Their People

“Integrity and ethical conduct are fundamental to our core values and vital to the achievement of our mission.”

Nicholas J. Deiuliis,
Chief Executive Officer