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ACAA4 is a well pad located near Pittsburgh International Airport in Allegheny County, PA. The ACAA4 well pad is located between the airport’s south runway and Interstate 376. This well pad is comprised of four (4) Marcellus shale wells drilled and hydraulically fractured in 2023. This well is in the production stage of development.

ACAA4 is archived under the Radical Transparency program. The program includes monitoring of well pads in the construction, drilling, and completions phases of development through approximately 6 months of production.


Air Quality MonitoringWater Protection Monitoring

Air Quality Monitoring

Upwind and downwind air quality monitoring equipment measuring PM2.5 (particulate matter) and VOCs known as BTEX was installed within 500’ of the well pad.

The prevailing wind direction for this region is from the southwest. CNX positioned the PM2.5 monitors such that one would be subject to winds from upwind of the well pad and the other would be in the path of wind traveling across the well pad (downwind).

Follow this link to see more information on CNX methane emission monitoring and mitigation efforts.