A Message from the ESCR Committee Chair

CNX understands that value creation and sustainable approaches to effectively manage every aspect of our business are top priorities for our stakeholders. Increasing access to affordable, reliable, and lower-emission energy betters lives around the world, especially in the communities where we’re fortunate to operate and to deliver Tangible, Impactful, Local benefits.

Through rigorous governance, a culture centered on accountability, operational transparency, collaborative decision making, and guided by our differentiated Sustainable Business Model (SBM), CNX prioritizes and demands value-creating performance results.

Put simply, our SBM drives continuous performance improvement across the entire business, including progress toward our sustainability goals and defined metrics. Throughout 2023, we executed our operational and disciplined capital allocation strategy, prioritizing long-term per share value creation that performs throughout commodity cycles.

Our principles of Responsibility, Ownership, and Excellence are embedded in the strategic oversight at the board level and across the entire company. Our actions today shape tomorrow’s world. As stewards of both the environment and communities across Appalachia, we remain committed to true sustainable value creation for our stakeholders.

Our actions during 2023 have resulted in significant achievements in emission reductions and safety improvements. We have reduced air and greenhouse gas emissions in most categories, including a continued reduction in methane intensity of nearly 30% in our production segment compared to the prior year. We also improved in all of our safety metrics, with a notable 29% reduction in total recordable incident rate. I invite you to review these metrics, along with many others that drive continuous improvements, in our ESG Performance Scorecard – see more here. In 2023, certain emissions and environmental data was subject to limited assurance procedures by a third party. All other data is subject to review by our Internal Audit team.

CNX does not follow the crowds. However, we listen closely to our local stakeholders and ownership to understand their priorities and tailor strategies accordingly. This report reflects that alignment and our continued sustainability progress focused on mitigating risk and unlocking long-term value for our stakeholders.

Palmer Clarkson
Environmental, Safety, and Corporate Responsibility (ESCR) Committee Chair