Community Outreach

CNX strives to make communities more resilient through investments, proactive engagement, and direct support of organizations within communities. The energy CNX provides is essential to quality of life in Appalachia as we aim to be a trusted community partner and part of the foundational fabric of the areas where we work and live.

“I’ve lived in this area for a long time and once you have a chance to explain what’s actually happening, it puts everyone at ease.”

Kyle Stefancik,
Manager, Land Operations

Our approach prioritizes the needs and opportunities of our region’s stakeholders, and improves the quality of life across the Appalachian communities where we live, work, and invest.

Our team engages directly with residents, elected officials, and other stakeholders to share updates on our operational plans and address community concerns. We are committed to engaging with communities in advance of new operations.

CNX sent over 6,000 invitations to an open house in our core operating area where a multi-disciplined team of employees was on hand to answer questions from residents about current and future CNX operations.

Addressing Concerns

In support of our operations and landowner relations teams, the CNX team works to invest in local communities and be a frontline resource to the community to address concerns. Our Community Relations Hotline, telephone, email systems, and our issue tracking software are essential tools for addressing concerns related to activities within our operational footprint in an efficient and uniform manner.

In 2023, CNX initiated the tracking of community concerns in a software tool. A pattern emerged in the dataset related to traffic along a specific route. CNX deployed additional traffic control and escorts to alleviate this concern from the community.

Reducing Community Disruptions

CNX seeks to minimize disruptions and inconveniences to the local community. Our robust water pipeline infrastructure mitigates commercial vehicle traffic, lowers the likelihood of spills, and reduces vehicle emissions, dust, noise, and wear on local roadways. Our Operations team works with local municipalities and school districts to review school bus traffic patterns, and employs a blackout period for routes that encounter school bus stops during school pick up and drop off to eliminate potential risks.

CNX location lighting is not a topic that first comes to mind when considering disruption to local community. In fact, we thought that performing periodic inspections and minimizing offsite illumination was adequate to ensure our lights were not keeping our neighbors up at night. It was through community engagement that we learned our operational lighting was impacting the local community near a CNX location in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. After receiving this feedback, we immediately performed a review of lighting in each operational phase and implemented a best practice to reduce the amount of lights we use and when we use them, while still maintaining adequate lighting for the safety of employees and contractors. This reduces our electricity use and minimizes nighttime disruption to our neighbors. A win for all!

Responding to Community Needs

CNX’s 160-year presence in Appalachia, and our largely homegrown workforce, fosters positive relationships in the community. Our close bonds and continuous dialogue with local elected officials and township and community leaders keeps us informed of issues affecting our communities, reduces our response times, and improves our ability to provide resources and solutions to people in need.

In 2024, CNX opened a new office on main street in downtown North Apollo, Pennsylvania. The office serves as a base for our operations in the area and provides the opportunity for engagement with community members.

Partnering for Community Development

CNX donated two tracts of land, totaling six acres, to the town of Monongah, West Virginia. The parcels have hosted a baseball field and other community recreation for years, so it made sense to transfer the ownership of the properties. The town has plans for further improvements.

“This is a huge economic boost to the Town of Richlands, We’ll have over 70 good paid employees that will be here using our local businesses, using our local restaurants, our gas stations, so that in itself is huge.”

Shana Plaster
Chairperson for the Board of Supervisors

Thanks to a loan from the Virginia Coalfield Economic Development Authority, The Tazewell County Industrial Development Authority (IDA) purchased 122 acres of land from CNX next to Tazewell High School, providing Tazewell County, Virginia, multiple options for economic development. Additional funds were loaned to CNX to support office expansion into the Mullins Building. The agreement requires CNX to invest all $900,000 from the loan and land purchase into the Mullins Building renovation. Additionally, CNX committed to retaining 67 jobs and adding eight full-time jobs with an average annual wage of $100,000.

Having A Strong Community Presence

CNX Dream Fields

The CNX Foundation announced a $150,000, three-year presenting sponsorship of the Pony League World Series (PLWS).

“At CNX, we place a lot of value on youth sports and athletic programs,” said Cody Craker, Vice President of Operations and Construction at CNX Resources. “Not only because they contribute so powerfully to physical health, but because they play a significant role in their communities.” See more here.

Supporting Fairs, Festivals, and Local Youth

CNX Foundation supported summer fun for thousands of attendees at local fairs and festivals. CNX employees were available for over 70 hours across four events, engaging in conversations with the community and helping to address food insecurity concerns for families in need. CNX sponsored six fairs and participated in seven livestock auctions.

  • 45,700 meals donated to food banks
  • 10 exhibits purchased were donated to the local 4H Scholarship fund
  • 24 youth exhibitors received $200 each to start their 4H project for next year’s Battelle District Fair
  • 36 youth exhibitors received $100 each to start their 4H project for next year’s Jacktown Fair
  • 42 4H exhibits purchased consisting of meat pen (rabbits), goats, lambs, hogs, and steers

“The CNX Mentorship Academy provided me with opportunities that helped me decide my career path. I knew what I wasn’t interested in, but I was able to narrow my career choices by visiting a wide range of employers. CNX has truly supported me by purchasing both my market hogs at the 2023 Washington and West Alexander Fairs. This has helped immensely with school tuition, travel costs, and tools. I am thankful for the experience and opportunities that CNX has given me.”
Amber Habe,
Mentorship Academy student and member of 4-H

With the help of volunteers, CNX Foundation stocked trout in Lake Wilma, a reservoir just outside of Blacksville, West Virginia. CNX participants joined community members the following day for Lake Wilma Community Fishing Day.


CNX employees contributed over 3,000 hours volunteering in support of local causes.

Holiday Giving Impact at-a-glance:

  • Holiday Giving Icon 300 Over 300 employees supporting organizations across Appalachia through volunteerism
  • Holiday Toy Icon 100 Packing and donating of over 115 boxes containing Thanksgiving meals for military families
  • Holiday Icon 115 Packing and donating of over 115 boxes containing Thanksgiving meals for military families
  • Soup Icon 2,400 Food drives resulting in almost 2,400 food items donated to food banks across Appalachia
  • Holiday Backpack Icon 56 Packing of 56 bags to support foster children transitioning into new homes through the Foster Love Project and Harper's House
  • Holiday Meal Icon 10,000 Packing of 10,000 bags of healthy snacks to support Food Helpers LittleMoochi program

    Over the course of two afternoons, CNX employees collected 74 bags of trash, 18 tires, a TV, and a few appliances in a cleanup blitz near the Washington Reservoirs in Southwestern Pennsylvania. The effort, in coordination with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, (PennDOT) provided an uplift to the residential community and prevented litter from ending up in the reservoirs and downstream waterways.

  • CNX Volunteer Firefighters Serving Their Communities

    First responders are known for running toward a crisis. For local fire departments, the crisis doesn’t always involve flames.

    “The fire department is the community ‘go-to.’ When someone has a question or problems, they call the fire department,” said Donnie Lindsey, CNX Process Safety Manager, and Chief of the Shinnston Fire Department in his hometown.

    Fires, floods, food and clothing drives, car accidents, safety trainings, and community gatherings are just a few of the bells that local fire departments answer when they ring. “Staying engaged with the city leadership, the residents of the city, and surrounding areas is our first duty,” said Lindsey. “Being proactive and visible to them…but most importantly being there when we are needed.”

    CNX has long supported local fire departments—both full-time and volunteer—and we are proud to have several volunteer firemen on our team. Measurement Foreman Doug Detig joined the Volunteer Fire Department (VFD) in Finleyville, PA at the age of 18. Growing up, he saw how pivotal the department was to the community. After 30 years of service, Detig says, “I have seen the worst side of people on incidents but knowing that I can help them in their time of need makes me and the entire department proud to serve.”

    “My family has been a part of VFDs for years, which led me to want to help people,” said Shane Ullom, a Plant Operator with CNX Midstream. At his “day job,” Ullom ensures that natural gas flows safely through compressor stations that deliver it from well pads to points of distribution. In his other role, as Chief of the Roberts Ridge VFD in Marshall County, WV, his responsibilities are not defined by “day” or “night.” “My duties as Chief are to run all operations, including budgets, SOPs, training, fire reports, and legal matters,” Ullom said, adding, “I also delegate responsibilities within my membership.” Running a community fire department is a task that spans communities and generations alike. “It’s neighbors helping neighbors,” said Chad Watkins, a Lease Operator with the CNX Well Tending team, “We’re all giving back to the communities where we live and serve.” Watkins is Chief of the Washington Lands Volunteer Fire Department in Moundsville. “I wanted to follow in my dad’s footsteps as chief of Washington Lands and I like to help people in their time of need.”

    Watkins, Ullom, and Lindsey are all second-generation firefighters who credit their upbringing for inspiring them to serve their communities—a deeply held value they plan on passing down to the next generation. “The fire service has always been a part of my family. Now my daughter is getting involved,” said Lindsey.

    While Detig is the first in his family to serve in an official role as a firefighter, he has become part of a much larger family. “We are all brothers and sisters in the department,” he said. “We support everyone and know that we can call on each other at any time.”

    For all who serve, it’s a matter of impact. “I always wanted to make a difference in the community,” said Lindsey, “Having the ability to help someone in need is the best reward for me. I want to give back to the communities that I was raised in.”

    Fire Chief—Shinnston Fire Department, Harrison County, WV
    President—Harrison County Fire Chief’s Association
    Board member— Harrison County Ambulance Authority
    Instructor—WVU Fire Service Extension

    Treasurer (and former Captain)— Finleyville Volunteer Fire Department, Washington County, PA

    Fire Chief— Roberts Ridge VFD, Marshall County WV

    Fire Chief—Washington Lands Volunteer Fire Department, Marshall County, WV Firefighter/Driver Pump
    Operator—Moundsville Volunteer Fire Department, Marshall County, WV

  • Environmental Justice

    CNX fully supports the core tenets of Environmental Justice, a policy of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. These core tenets are some of the base values that CNX espouses in our Appalachia First vision and in our Radical Transparency program—to ensure the fair treatment and meaningful engagement of historically marginalized and disadvantaged socioeconomic groups in the communities in which we operate, regardless of income, wealth, race, color, national origin, or disability. We consider the impacts from our operations during the siting and permitting of our development areas and work hard to ensure the just treatment of everyone in the communities in which we operate.