Environmental Management System
Our Environmental Management System (EMS) is integrated in our overarching Quality Management System (QMS). Managed by a skilled team of environmental compliance experts from our Operational Excellence and our Environmental Strategy teams, the system provides a robust ISO 14001 aligned framework for tracking performance and maintaining compliance with CNX’s Health, Safety, and Environmental Policy and applicable laws and regulations.
Our environmental compliance team is dedicated to our environmental stewardship efforts and ensures compliance with environmental laws, regulations, and proactive improvement efforts. CNX tracks several key metrics to drive performance and assist with improvement initiatives. Performance against these metrics is factored into incentive compensation and helps to ensure progress on environmental objectives.
CNX’s EMS system employs the Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) framework that ensures an iterative process for continual improvement to the management system, operational best management practices, and environmental performance. EMS elements include:
- Environmental leadership, compliance and commitment
- Roles and responsibilities
- Environmental aspects and significance
- Training plan
- Communication plan
- Environmental compliance program
- Document control and retention
- Risk and hazard management
- Emergency preparedness and response plan
- Incident reporting and investigation
- Standard operating procedures and guidance documents
- Management of change
- Performance management and evaluation
Risk and Hazard Management
We identify risks throughout our organization and use a risk matrix to prioritize our focus and resources on the highest risk areas of our operations. Our risk matrix quantifies potential risks and impacts across two dimensions: probability of occurrence and severity of consequence. This assessment, alongside the annual update of our ESG materiality assessment, helps to improve risk visibility and assists management in proactive decision-making.
Over 5,115 third-party erosion and sediment (E&S) inspections were completed on CNX projects in 2023. CNX goes beyond regulatory requirements, completing regular E&S inspections of our sites, pipeline rights-of-way, and post-construction stormwater management controls to identify and mitigate signs of erosion.
As with safety management, environmental incident prevention is always a top priority. Our Emergency Response Plan (ERP) details CNX’s planning and response strategy and includes environmental considerations in ensuring environmental aspects are subject to the same rigorous protocols as safety-related emergencies. Our comprehensive ERPs are designed to provide a rapid, flexible, and efficient response to emergencies. Comprehensive drills and emergency exercises, including exercises related to Pollution Prevention Countermeasure and federal Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plans, ensure all employees understand their roles and responsibilities during events with the potential for adverse environmental impacts. A comprehensive, web-based notification system allows for immediate and simultaneous mass communication with employees and external stakeholders using both wired and wireless communication devices. Our emergency response service providers stand ready to assist with any necessary mitigation and response.
Spill Prevention
CNX’s Operational Excellence team takes a targeted approach to preventing accidental spills and releases. Our extensive spill prevention controls help mitigate the impacts of accidental spills that may occur during operations, including the use of permanent containment systems, temporary catch basins, and strategic shut-off valves. Spill response plans are in place throughout our operations to further mitigate impacts. Potential spill events, including those on containment, which do not result in an impact to the environment, are tracked and analyzed through our environmental data management system, and are treated with the same scrutiny as an agency reportable spill, ensuring best management practices are employed for preventative measures. Spills are tracked by volume and material and reported to the appropriate regulatory agencies. Leading and lagging indicators are used to monitor performance. Our spill prevention efforts include enhanced inspection and surveillance programs, corrosion and integrity programs, and remote monitoring systems to ensure proper water management. CNX minimizes environmental impact by planning for and deploying rapid response protocols and thorough remediation efforts.
The CNX Completions team celebrated its second year without a reportable spill.
CNX’s incident/environmental data management system captures relevant data and begins a process for incident reporting and correction—including spills or non-compliant conditions. Key stakeholders, including our service providers, analyze the data captured during these events to better understand the incidents, identify root causes, communicate risks, discuss expectations, and propose changes to best practices, where identified. Investigations and corrective actions are tracked through our Quality Management System (QMS) process. Incident reviews improve communication, reduce incidents (spills and violations), and benefit the industry at large, as we share significant findings with business partners and peers. Click here to learn about CNX’s compliance record.
Real Time Operations Center
In 2023, CNX expanded the capabilities of our real-time operations center (RTOC). The RTOC utilizes advanced monitoring and serves as a support center for field operations. Production, midstream, water, and, most recently, air quality systems are monitored 24/7/365 by trained personnel. The RTOC supports different phases of well and field development, ensuring safe and compliant operations. RTOC personnel have a direct line to operations field teams, triggering rapid deployment to the precise asset and area at risk.