Air Quality Monitoring

While annual reports on emission levels are required to be filed with the DEP, CNX has committed to strongly enhance our program and initiate air quality monitoring around our well pads and compressor stations to provide timely and relatable data through a dashboard on a publicly available website.

Our program will end the speculation that is caused by lack of transparency and uncertainty, and replace it with measured data that dispels any misconception that we are not operating within acceptable standards. CNX began with the NV110 producing well pad and has expanded the enhanced monitoring program to incorporate compressor stations and well pads in the construction, drilling, and completions phases of development through approximately 6 months of production, i.e. once the gas well begins producing gas and significant activity at the site ends. Monitoring includes continuous monitoring of particulate matter measuring less than 2.5 microns in diameter (PM2.5) and Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and Xylene, collectively referred to as BTEX compounds. PM2.5 is produced by diesel exhausts, smoke from fires and various other everyday sources such as unpaved roadways and farm fields.

All data is collected and reviewed for quality assurance by Clean Air Engineering, whose activities are governed by their Ambient Monitoring Quality Management Plan (QMP), which details their quality control program for ambient air quality monitoring services. The QMP was audited by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 2017, and the company was approved for the operation of State and Local Air Monitoring Stations (SLAMS) as a Primary Quality Assurance Organization. All data is provided unabridged directly to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and to CNX Resources.


CNX is measuring concentrations of particulate matter smaller than 2.5 microns in diameter (PM2.5) following the strict methodology established by the EPA by installing two air quality monitoring devices, one upwind and another downwind of each well pad. PM2.5 data is presented in hourly and 24-hour average concentrations via a dashboard on this website. The project data is compared to data reported by the regional air quality monitoring network maintained by the DEP and compared to the National Ambient Air Quality Standards.

To complement the data generated by each PM2.5 monitor, each site includes an integrated meteorological measurement system to record wind speed and wind direction via a compact sonic anemometer. Wind and other meteorological data are recorded on a local data logger and transmitted to Clean Air Engineering’s secure environmental data management platform for easy access and visualization.


Natural gas may contain low levels of various volatile organic compounds (VOC), including BTEX. To demonstrate our low VOC levels, CNX is incorporating EPA Reference Method 325 that has been established to measure VOCs in air by exposing sample tubes to air for a period of 14 days. CNX analyzes the samples for BTEX compounds, which are absorbed by the material within the sampling tube. Results are compared to established health-based standards such as Minimum Risk Levels (MRLs) for inhalation exposure. Should any elevated levels of BTEX be encountered, CNX will conduct verification sampling using the EPA TO-15 methodology to review a larger suite of compounds.

Quality Assurance Project Plan

Clean Air Engineering has developed a Quality Assurance Project Plan that dictates all aspects of the project, including monitoring, equipment maintenance, and data handling.


The data displayed in the CNX transparency tool is collected, recorded, and provided by a third party indicated as the data source and not by CNX. For many or all of the data, the data is, by its nature, considered a field estimate and as initially recorded may contain errors introduced by equipment malfunction or other inaccuracies introduced by the data provider(s). The data, as initially posted, is subject to review and quality assurance control conducted by the third party and may be corrected or otherwise edited or deemed null according to standard quality assurance/control procedures.


CNX’s overall GHG emissions reduction strategy provides a co-benefit reduction of non-GHG emissions, including VOCs, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, and sulfur oxides. We have adopted control technologies that specifically limit these emissions and the ground-level ozone attributed to them. The sources of the emissions where these technologies are applied include natural gas-driven continuous bleed pneumatic controllers, natural gas-driven diaphragm pumps, reciprocating compressors, centrifugal compressors, fugitive emissions components, and storage vessels installed at unconventional well sites and gathering and boosting stations. In most situations, the techniques employed are more stringent than those recommended by the U.S. EPA to attain and maintain the ground-level ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS).

As part of our Radical Transparency program, CNX has initiated air quality monitoring—including certain VOCs and particulate matter—around our facilities to provide relatable data to communities and regulatory agencies, helping them understand the true impacts of natural gas development and production. Disclosing key environmental data helps build trust in the communities where we operate.

Emissions Reported Through Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (Metric tons)  2021 2022 2023
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) 677 590 550
Sulfur oxides (SOx) 4 3 3
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) 1,076 988 744
Hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) 105 108 100
Particulate matter (PM) 37 36 39
Carbon monoxide (CO) 268 250 240
Formaldehyde 17 23 21
Note: Particulate matter (PM) emissions increased in 2023 due primarily to the installation of new rich-burn compressor engines in the Gathering & Boosting segment.